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Image by Jordane Mathieu

Who We Are

The Lyme Resource Centre (or LRC as commonly known) is a Scottish Registered charity. This unique Lyme disease charity is run by a team of trustees, volunteers and clinical advisers who give their time freely and voluntarily to help the charity meet its aims. It benefits from a highly skilled team of medical advisers, pharmacists, educationalists, engineers and other business professionals who guide and advise on policy, projects and collaborative partnerships.

Our registered office is in Kinghorn, Fife, but we operate virtually so no donations or funds raised are spent on buildings or workspaces. At present, only a small proportion of staff are employed to undertake part time roles; but we look forward to growing the organisation.

The charity was founded in 2019 by Prof Jack Lambert, alongside founding trustees Janey Cringean, Arlene Brailey and James Davies. Norman Lannigan OBE then joined as a trustee in 2021.


Prof. John (Jack) Lambert

Founder of LRC and lead trustee

As founder of LRC and lead trustee, Prof. John (Jack) Lambert, is a Professor in Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and UCD School of Medicine, Dublin, with both extensive clinical and research expertise. He has been director of the National Isolation Unit for Highly Infectious Diseases at the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and a member of the National Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Committee of the HSE. He has also been involved in the Sexual Health Strategy group in Ireland and teaching GPs in Ireland on the subject of STDs. He has been Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health since 2000 and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians since 2005. Prof Lambert has presented widely in the field of Lyme and co-infections since 2016 through EU and USA conferences supported by the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS). He has undertaken specialist training through ILADS and has significant experience of treating Lyme Disease and co-infections. He organises and runs Global Crypto-Infections Conferences, looking at the science behind Lyme Disease and co-infections. Three conferences have now been held in 2019, 2020 and 2023. Recorded presentations can be found under ’Resources for Health Professionals’



Arlene Brailey


Arlene is a registered pharmacist who worked as Assistant Director of NHS Education for Scotland (Pharmacy) for over 20 years. In 2020 she was designated as a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. Arlene also developed and led an award-winning patient support programme from 2019-2023 for a national antibiotic research charity. She now provides educational consultancy work to the NHS. She uses her educational experience and expertise to guide the charity’s education programme for health professionals. Arlene also provides oversight of a variety of activities, programmes, and development campaigns for LRC as a trustee. She works with many of the volunteers to help deliver the plans and wide-ranging projects which raise awareness of Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections. Arlene was a carer for her son for over ten years, after he was bitten by a tick while hillwalking in the Scottish Highlands as a teenager. He subsequently suffered with undiagnosed Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections. You can read more about Arlene's experience here:


You can read more about Arlene's experience here:

Norman Lannigan


Norman is a retired pharmacist who has served the NHS in Scotland for forty years. He is a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and was awarded an OBE for services to pharmacy and pharmaceutical care in October 2018. His last position was as Head of Pharmacy and Prescribing Support for Scotland’s largest NHS Health Board, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Norman had responsibility for all aspects of pharmacy service delivery in hospitals, in community pharmacy and within GP surgeries and for safe and effective use of medicines within the Health Board. He led the redesign of pharmacy services which involved the establishment of the world’s largest robotic pharmacy. Norman held Visiting Professor positions within the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences and within the School of Pharmacy at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen. Norman has taken on responsibility for coordinating and developing LRC outdoor initiatives and partnerships. He is using his experience, leadership skills and knowledge of healthcare and management to help LRC to grow and achieve its aims of raising awareness of tick-borne infection amongst the public and healthcare professionals. He lives in West Calder and is now enjoying global travel once again!



Liz Murray


Liz has a Masters in Business Administration and recent experience in marketing, customer experience and digital communications. She worked in the NHS for 15 years as a Physiotherapist and Senior Manager before moving across to the commercial health sector, where she worked for a further 25 years until recently retiring. Liz now helps the charity with strategy, planning and communications strategy as well as some medium-longer term projects. She also has a deep understanding of the challenges of Lyme disease, having been diagnosed and treated with the condition after almost 6 years of symptoms.

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The Right Reverend Dr Christopher Herbert


Dr Herbert was ordained as a priest in Hereford in 1967. He was appointed Bishop of St Albans (1995-2009) and is a former member of the House of Lords (1999-2009). He presently holds the post of Visiting Professor of Christian Ethics at School of Medical Sciences, University of Surrey. He brings a wealth of experience in the fields of Education, Health and Social Care Ethics and has a genuine commitment to making a positive impact both for individuals and through our work as a charity. Dr Herbert’s passion for raising awareness of Lyme disease has been primarily driven by his granddaughter’s ill health following a tick bite and a subsequently delayed diagnosis of Lyme disease.

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Trevor Brailey


Trevor retired in 2016 as a Senior Engineering Associate within the petrochemical industry. He was appointed as treasurer for LRC, having recently completed seven years as treasurer for a medium-sized non-profit charitable company. Trevor brings his knowledge and experience of policies, practices, and good governance to ensure our finances are well managed.

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Anne Cruikshank

GP Advisor

Anne is a general practitioner, based in Oxfordshire, England. She has had a long standing interest in Lyme disease - ever since a close family member was hospitalised with Lyme carditis in 2007. She has experience of managing patients with Lyme disease within both primary care and a consultant-led Lyme disease Clinic In 2018, the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) appointed Anne as the Clinical Champion for Lyme disease, tasked with leading the CG Lyme disease Spotlight Project to raise awareness of Lyme disease within primary care. She is a co-author of the RCGP Lyme Disease Toolkit - a user-friendly, open access, guide for health care professionals. patients and the general public. Whilst acknowledging the complexities of diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease, Anne recognises that well informed healthcare professionals hold the key to early diagnosis and the prevention of long term complications.

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Angus (Gus) Walker

Team Member

Angus has a background in engineering and presently works as an engineer in the oil and gas industry, with extensive experience in mechanical engineering and project management disciplines. Angus runs our Social Media programme and campaigns. He also helps deliver our outdoor awareness projects. This includes the production of the LRC outdoor signs and liaison with councils and outdoor volunteers such as The Conservationist Volunteers (TCV). He is a keen cyclist and was first involved with the charity in 2021, taking inspiration from a family member affected by tick borne illness, undertaking a huge cycling challenge to mark his 40th birthday – cycling more than 4040km and raising over £4000 for Lyme Resource Centre.

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Pauline Bowie

Ambassador and team member

A schoolteacher for 33 years, Pauline is a curricular leader of technologies with a focus on engineering subjects in the West of Scotland. She has personal experience of Lyme disease undiagnosed for 29 years. As a Patient Ambassador, Pauline is actively involved in promoting and coordinating many outreach activities within LRC. She works with media and with Scottish MSPs to highlight the issues and is currently developing a Lyme disease education programme for schools across Scotland. She actively engages her Young Enterprise Group of senior school students in Lyme disease community outreach. Pauline also participates in our outdoor awareness programme, educating the public at events across the country, and raising awareness of ticks and Lyme disease with those leading scout groups, Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and outdoor events. Each year, she coordinates the global ‘Light up for Lyme’ campaign across Scotland, asking public and private organisations to light up their buildings with green light throughout May. This helps focus and raise public awareness during May Lyme Awareness Month.



Anne Lee MPhil FRPharmS

Team Member

Anne Lee graduated in pharmacy from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh in 1984, then worked in hospital pharmacy, in Edinburgh, Newcastle, and Glasgow. She completed an MPhil on the causality of adverse drug reactions and led research on aspects of adverse drug reaction reporting through the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s yellow card scheme. Anne has published widely on medicines safety, editing textbooks on Adverse Drug Reactions and Prescribing in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding. The third edition of Adverse Drug Reactions was published by Pharmaceutical Press in 2023. Anne took up a post with the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) at Healthcare Improvement Scotland in 2005, and was the Chief Pharmacist there from 2012 until August 2022. Anne led an extensive change programme at SMC, aimed at increasing transparency, enhancing patient and public involvement and improving health technology assessment of new medicines. She was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society in 2022 and is now working as a freelance medical writer and editor.



Monica Wilde

Team Member

Monica Wilde is a Research Herbalist (M.Sc. Herbal Medicine, University of Central Lancashire) with a special interest in concomitant prescribing of drugs, herbs and nutrients. Recognising the financial hardship that many Lyme patients find themselves in, she has run a low income Lyme clinic since 2015. Monica is helping the charity by documenting the use of herbs alongside prescription and OTC medicines to increase knowledge, assure safety, and develop understanding of best practice. She is also organising CPD training in Lyme protocols and support for herbal medicine practitioners Research has shown that some herbal products are effective against Lyme on a par with antibiotics. As many Lyme patients find that an integrated medicine approach gives them the best support and results, she is committed to working with clinical practitioners across disciplines.



Margaret Miller

Team Member

Prior to retirement, Margaret worked with NHS Education for Scotland as the Pharmacy Team Manager, alongside Arlene Brailey. She brings wide and varied administrative experience having worked in several Office Manager and Executive Assistant roles including Scottish Government and Ernst & Young. Margaret provides administrative support to LRC in several areas – including building the research publications facility on the website.



Joanne Durnan

Team Member

Joanne studies Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde as well as being a keen watersports instructor. She started volunteering for the Lyme Resource Centre after taking part in the ‘Young Enterprise Company' programme. Joanne's company decided to have an outdoor focus to promote the benefits of being outdoors but with a social enterprise part which would include outdoor safety. ‘In-seed-out’ became a business and social enterprise with a mission of “promoting the outdoors safely". The company had great success coming second place in the local area as well as being invited to a parliamentary debate about Lyme Disease. Joanne helped to co-ordinate the LRC 2024 Light up for Lyme Campaign

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Founder Trustees

The Lyme Resource Centre is grateful for the work and support of those who helped to establish this unique charity in 2019.

Dr Janey Cringean

Trustee of LRC from 2019 - July 2021

James Davies

Trustee of LRC from 2019 - May 2023

C. Geoghegan

Web Developer from Sept 2021 - July 2023

Gordana Avramovic

Team Member from 2019 - August 2024

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