Lyme Disease Experience Survey
We are pleased to share initial outputs from our recent Lyme Disease Experience Survey.
Thanks to everyone who responded - we had an amazing number of responses and are very grateful to all who took the time to complete the survey.
We have created overviews of results for All Responses, all UK, Ireland only and Scotland only. Further analysis of survey responses is ongoing and will be shared in due course.
PDF survey overview downloads:
About the Lyme Disease Experience Survey:
We asked to hear from people with any experience of Lyme disease, whether mild or severe, fully recovered or with ongoing symptoms, or those who were caring for someone with Lyme disease.
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by the spirochaete Borrelia burgdorferi. It occurs worldwide, is increasing in incidence and is the most common tick-borne disease in the northern hemisphere. It affects children and adults of all ages and although many patients with Lyme disease make a full recovery, others remain ill even after antibiotic treatment.
The NICE Guideline on Lyme disease has acknowledged ‘the lack of epidemiological data on the incidence, clinical features, management and outcome of Lyme disease in the UK’. Similar issues exist in the Republic of Ireland and elsewhere in the world. This lack of information makes it difficult to drive improvements in diagnosis, treatment and care.
LRC developed this survey to capture the experiences of those affected by Lyme disease, including diagnosis, treatments and outcomes. The intention is to support development of patient-centred Lyme disease data that can be used to drive meaningful change for people with Lyme disease.
If you would like to stay updated on the survey findings and other LRC activities please share your email address via this link share your email address