Resources for employers and employees
Occupationally acquired cases of Lyme disease (both employed and self-employed) should be notified to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), under RIDDOR.
If someone is disabled as a result of occupationally acquired Lyme disease, they may be able to claim Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit. This benefit does not apply to self employed people.
For employers:
Lyme Disease - information leaflet from FISA
The Forest Industry Safety Accord (FISA) sets out the commitment that each organisation, and the sector at large, can make to raise the standard of health and safety in their place of work.
Employers have moral, financial and legal obligations to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their staff. In modern societies, it’s no longer seen as acceptable for people to be injured, killed or made ill as a consequence of their job. In the U.K., accidents and illness linked to work costs the economy tens of billions of pounds each year[1]. And health and safety at work has the force of law - both employers and individuals can be prosecuted under criminal law, and sued for compensation under civil law, if something goes wrong.
[1] At the last count (2019/2020), the Health and Safety Executive put the cost of workplace injuries and ill-health to the UK economy at £18.8 billion per year. While the number of accidents and cases of ill-health is broadly similar, ill-health accounts for roughly 60% of the total costs, as people tend to be off work for longer.
For employees:
Lyme disease and tick awareness - Forestry and Land Scotland
These resources are intended for outdoor workers.
It’s worth remembering that staff have legal duties too. These cover all work activities, including any tasks which could result in being exposed to ticks. Employees must:
take reasonable care of their own safety, and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions[3]
co-operate with their employer in relation to measures designed to ensure safety[3
follow any safety instructions and training[4]
notify their employer of
(i) situations which pose serious and imminent danger; and
(ii) shortcomings in health and safety arrangements[4]
[3] Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, section 7
[4] Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, Regulation 14
For employers:
Lyme Resource Centre has partnered with Echo3 Education to collaborate on production of a bespoke e-learning course on ticks and Lyme disease. It is aimed primarily for use by organisations and employers whose employees and volunteers are working outdoors and at risk from tick bites and therefore potentially Lyme disease.
This e-learning course is available for subscription through the Echo3 Education website. A proportion of the profits will go to LRC.